Welcoming Words

Jillian Pransky


We gather here today to celebrate one of life's greatest relationships – a marriage: the union between two who love each other. As Lisa and Barry have shared with us already, it's always a miracle when two lives cross and align. 

However, it’s rarely a mystery.

One thing that all unions have in common is that it takes a village to bring two people together. You, each of us, are the village. I know that Lisa and Barry are able to really step into this moment because you are surrounding them and sharing in this amazing journey they are forging. 

Their union, their hope and faith, their love is deeply nourished by the gratitude they feel to be surrounded and held by this village.

So as Lisa and Barry, are formally joined together today, I ask that we all pause for just a breath - and remember - search our hearts for the wisdom of this covenant, which has from ancient times been expressed with ideas and inspiration that come from the heart.


This is a special wedding for a special time, but perhaps in a way meant to be, since it reflects this couple’s ability to weather challenges together, to adapt, and to make sacrifices. 

These things are all necessary for a long and happy marriage.


Lisa and Barry - maybe you’ve already thought about this, but your wedding really represents the best of humanity and community – it’s an act of hope during these difficult times, and it was possible today because we are all part of this human web of connection and kindness.

Lisa and Barry have created a beautiful ceremony for all of us with many symbols, and experiences and ways to participate - so that the blessings and ritual is about including all of us.

Here’s a bit about what to expect:

Throughout this ceremony, to each corner we will be strolling from corner to corner and Molly and Laura are our spirit guides. Molly and Laura - raise your hands.

While we will be walking and standing - please note that there are benches around the fountain, if you’d like to sit or rest, as you wish.

 Lastly, I’d like to point out that the canopy's around the space, in each corner, are all chuppa's. Chuppas are symbolic of a home in the jewish tradition. They are purposely open on all sides - representing hospitality and inclusivity. This is a home for all of us, as well as symbolic of Lisa and Barry’s home, where all are welcomed. 

 Lasty , mask wearing . . . while our wedding party is not going to be wearing a mask, we do ask that all guests, during the ceremony, please wear a mask for the comfort of the whole village.


Opening Remarks